

Upcoming specials and lunches this week

In our never ending support for our service men & women, we are honored to offer all veterans a 10% discount next Monday on Veterans Day!

Wednesday November 21 will begin our yearly oyster specials. This will include raw, steamed, Rockefeller & fried. Stay tuned for more details.

Crabs will continue on current schedule till the 17th.. There wont be any crabs the weekend of Nov.23 &24.  We will continue to steam to order on Fridays 5-9 pm & Saturdays 12-9 pm starting Nov.30.

Lunch specials this week

Monday: Grilled cheese & fries 6.25

Tuesday: Pasta w/ meat sauce, salad, garlic bread 7.95

Wednesday: Chicken fries steak, mashed potatoes & gravy, veggie                                                                                                                    7.95

Thursday: Cheeseburger sub & fries 6.95

Friday: Fried Haddock, fries & slaw  9.95

Lunch Specials 10/29-11-2

Monday: Grilled cheese & cup of chili  7.95

Tuesday: Chicken salad & chips 5.95

Wednesday: Pork BBQ sandwich & onion rings 7.95

Thursday: French Dip & fresh cut fries 8.95

Friday: Fried Haddock, fries & slaw 8.95

July 4th crabs

The crab shack will open at 12 noon on July 4th and serve till     9 pm or until supplies last. Please call to make reservations.


Try our our new chefs specials. Fish tacos, fish bites, jerk chicken & summer salads.


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