

Crab shack employment

Full or part time position available in our crab shack. Hours could vary to accommodate applicants going to school in fall. Wed-Saturday or Fri & Sat only available. Communication, organization & planning skills a must. Sorting, steaming, selling crabs and cleaning all included in position. Please apply on site or on our website

Lunch Specials

Monday: Meatball sub & fries 7.95

Tuesday: Smokehouse chicken sandwich & chips 7.95

Wednesday: Pork BBQ sandwich & onion rings  7.95

Thursday: French dip & fresh cut fries 8.95

Friday: Fried haddock or salmon cakes, fries & slaw 8.95

Lunches & Interviews

We are still conducting interviews for crab shack staff, kitchen staff & servers / bartenders. Apply online or onsite.

Lunch Specials:

Monday: Grilled cheese & chili 7.99

Tuesday: Chicken slippery pot pie & corn bread 6.25

Wednesday: 2 piece chicken, fries & slaw 7.95

Thursday: Cheeseburger sub & fries 7.50

Friday: Fried haddock or salmon cakes, fries & slaw 9.99


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